Phone magnifying Man holding globe with tech and financial symbols


Our focus

We have a proven strategy of responsible investing - looking for opportunities where capital, insight and expertise can realize the potential of businesses and deliver positive impact. Our team has deep insight and expertise to select and guide businesses that can improve the way we live, work and protect our world. Each member of the our team brings extensive industry and investment experience to the firm's role as an active investor / partner.  


Our approach

We work closely with clients to develop sound strategies that will realise their business' full potential, focussing on:

Team -     the most important factor in the success of a start up or high growth business;

Solution - innovative products / services that deliver significant value to customers and our world;

Market -   that address important challenges today . . . and will shape society and markets of tomorrow;

Business Model - that enables the business to capture significant market share and build sustainable competitive advantage.